This is a photo I took at a relative's house just last week. They have artwork by various members of the family, and friends of, hanging around the house and this one stood out. The piece is by a friend of the family, Mark Zender, of a guitar drawn on cardboard using application of different ink styles. He's done, by my cousin Aaron's account, hundreds of these cardboard works with many different subjects depicted, but only a few remain in his possesion. He doesn't have any site online to reference (although I hear one is in the works), but I thought I'd share and if anyone is interested in his work, I can probably get you contact info/in touch.
I have other shots of his work, and plan to get more, to share and will. He truly has a unique talent. Actually, now that I just remembered, he's actually holding another piece of his work in a photo on this blog, under the post 'Chicago.' He's outside of Frohman's, holding a canvas on the left side of the image.
This one is actually by me, it's a mixture of two photos using photoshop CS3 taken in the same location. It's supposed to represent the spins and the subtle shift in reality associated with a long night of drinking. Thus it's title: DrunkInAParkingLot.
Hopefully you enjoyed these semi abstract pieces,
If so, or not, I plan on sharing more in the future.