Tuesday, November 11, 2008


"Just littles things." -Hiro

I heard somewhere that cellphone camera grain was in. Haha. But yeah, I've had these for awhile but just put them on last week. I thought I better take at least a couple photos before snow and ice enevitably tear these apart, but now that the main four are together and on, it's oh so nice.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I've been collecting various automotive related stickers as they come my way for awhile now. Here's a shot of a large portion, some of which are pretty rare, or obscure. I still have yet to get the one I really want, but we'll see how things go the next week or so, and maybe I'll finally put a couple on the car.

Haha, crazy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Visually Stimulating

I've been lazy with the photog lately, but... that's not all I do with my time in the first place, nor is it what I started this blog primarily for (Sidebar: Why have most of my recent posts been photos?). So I feel no guilt. I think.

Regardless, Jamie sent me this link the other day; I don't know how many times I've watched it since. Get ready, this is madness on a longboard. "I thought I was badass." Haha.

Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.

And then, like a bunch of bums, each of my friends and I slept Sunday morning when the race I've been waiting for for months aired at 7:00a.m. Damn myself for missing F1 Singapore GP. Executive Summary? Thank you Jalopnik.

Singapore Executive Summary from Axis of Oversteer.com Video on Vimeo.

Looks a lot like old school Gran Turismo: SS Route (insert your favorite). I'd kill to get behind the wheel. Maybe I'll be able to atleast catch a rebroadcast or something. I mean it wasn't the most exciting race from most accounts, but c'mon, the first F1 GP at night. Shut up, enjoy the spectacle and observe the drivers' reactions to the change from the norm. Still can't believe I slept through it.

Oh well,
Both fairly good videos,
Thanks Vimeo.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

more than one

Three works consisting of multiple images meshed in different ways; from last semester.




Fresh material hopefully sooner than later. Supposedly I'll finally have my car back this week; aka, I'll be mobile and should have no excuse. Which is a good thing.


Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is a photo I took at a relative's house just last week. They have artwork by various members of the family, and friends of, hanging around the house and this one stood out. The piece is by a friend of the family, Mark Zender, of a guitar drawn on cardboard using application of different ink styles. He's done, by my cousin Aaron's account, hundreds of these cardboard works with many different subjects depicted, but only a few remain in his possesion. He doesn't have any site online to reference (although I hear one is in the works), but I thought I'd share and if anyone is interested in his work, I can probably get you contact info/in touch.

I have other shots of his work, and plan to get more, to share and will. He truly has a unique talent. Actually, now that I just remembered, he's actually holding another piece of his work in a photo on this blog, under the post 'Chicago.' He's outside of Frohman's, holding a canvas on the left side of the image.

This one is actually by me, it's a mixture of two photos using photoshop CS3 taken in the same location. It's supposed to represent the spins and the subtle shift in reality associated with a long night of drinking. Thus it's title: DrunkInAParkingLot.

Hopefully you enjoyed these semi abstract pieces,

If so, or not, I plan on sharing more in the future.



Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I haven't updated this in a few days now, but not because I didn't want to. The weather yesterday, and on Thursday last week, both interrupted plans, and I've been focusing on stuff for the CrazuKnights blog all weekend/lasterday. So, instead of posting some fresh work, here is another from the portfolio and the story behind it:

This photo was originally used in the issue of Echo that I must've referred to at least once by now, but it appeared in color. I went to the designer of the magazine with both options, and stressed my opinion that the black and white looked better, and would go better with the story idea in more ways than one. But the color versions from the set were used anyways, and I don't really complain much.... That must be a joke.

Anyways, goes to show that sometimes things just don't work out how you had planned.
Don't you hate cliche sayings like that?
Don't you hate the cliche word, cliche?
Or is that too strong of a word?


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In Current Production

I was out on the water last week, boating for the first time this summer which is a shame because summer is well past its halfway point. But I still had a great time cruising around, and I also had my camera on me. I ended up taking a few shots attempting to flesh out an idea for a recent project/collaboration that will hopefully continue on in production more so next week sometime.

A lot of my ideas start with some one thing, or aspect one way and then completely switch gears and head the other way after I've had sometime figuring out what I truly want experimenting with all of the options I've got running through my head. But it can't do anything but help in attempting to figure out what I'm truly looking for in an image. Sometimes the photos stay the same, and the style of editing might change, or vice versa.

I honestly don't know if this will be used though. Regardless, I thought I'd share these because a few people that've seen them prior to this post had given some positive feedback.

Hopefully you enjoy too,
Happy Wednesday to ya,

PS - Supposedly I'll be going to the city tomorrow, weather pending, for a promotional/lifestyle shoot for a couple of friends trying to put together a media package for their recent music productions. If things go well, I'll be sure to drop a sneak peak or something like that on here in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where were you on Saturday?

You should've been over at Phil/Philsays's for his welcome back BBQ, where there was tons of good food and beverage, great peoples, and some of the most ridiculous cars Chicagoland has ever, will ever know. Clearly my good man Josh/REVGASM's car (pictured above) always attracts a crowd.

The rest of the photos I took from his BBQ can be found on CrazuKnights.blogspot.com , and/or over on the Chicago Wangan forum.


Edit: A couple of the photos were featured on Fatlace.com too, which is pretty neat. Here's a link: http://fatlace.com/2008/07/30/chicago-is-the-illest/

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I was supposed to go to the city today to take some promotional/lifestyle photos for a couple of friends trying to put together a media package, but plans ended up conflicting for one of them so we've rescheduled for next week. Hopefully things go well then, and I can post some fresh stuff on here again.

Here's a few photos from around town anyways:

Also, check out the CrazuKnights blog which is up now. Hopefully fresh material will continue to be posted there as well, and more and more things will be pieced together.

More Portfolio-esque; Vagueness

All types of fear and loathing going on,
It was a good trip for sure,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Polar Bear Legion

I was looking through a bunch of old photos today, reorganizing folders and whatnot in my external harddrive, getting things up to date and landed on these. They haven't been working together as much as they were a few months ago, but looking back I wish the Legion would get back together to produce once more. It would be just too good to deny, and they know it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

two to ponder


Fresh Meat

I woke up today to the sound of a UPS truck driving away. I yelled, "NooooooOOOOOOoooooo!!!!" as a I ran to the front door. But then these were sitting on the porch anyways.

That is all,

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dont forget you can...

...click most of the photos for larger, more visually stimulating versions.


PS, a favorite of a few friends', and myself, so why not? From the endless portfolio.